Africa Climate Summit Frequently Asked Questions

4th to 6th Sept
KICC, Nairobi Kenya
What is the Africa Climate Summit (ACS)?
The Africa Climate Summit is a landmark event co-hosted by the Republic of Kenya, the African Union Commission (AUC). It brings together Heads of State and Government, policymakers, civil society organizations, the private sector, multilateral institutions, and youth to design and catalyse actions and solutions for climate change in Africa by providing a platform to deliberate on the nexus between climate change, Africa’s development reality, and the need to push for increased investment in climate action globally, and specifically in Africa.
When and where will the Africa Climate Summit take place?
The Africa Climate Summit is scheduled to take place from 4th to 6th September at Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) in Nairobi, Kenya.
What is the theme of the Africa Climate Summit?
The Africa Climate Summit theme is, 'Driving Green Growth and Climate Finance Solutions for Africa and the World.'
Who can participate in the Africa Climate Summit?
The Africa Climate Summit welcomes participation from a wide range of stakeholders, including government representatives, policymakers, civil society organizations, the private sector, multilateral institutions, and youth representatives from Africa and beyond.
What topics will be discussed at the Africa Climate Summit?
The Africa Climate Summit covers a wide range of topics, clustered into seven thematic areas: Nature Capital, Climate Finance, Renewable Energy and Energy Transition, Green Minerals and Manufacturing, Sustainable Agriculture, Land Use,Oceans and Water, Sustainable Infrastructure and Urbanisation and Adaptation and Resilience. These thematic areas form the summit's core focus, providing a comprehensive platform for addressing critical climate-related challenges and opportunities across the continent and beyond.
How can I register for the Africa Climate Summit?
Visit, official ACS23 website. Click on "Register now" button, then proceed to the registration portal. Fill in the registraion form and then wait for accreditation.
Can I present my climate action initiative or best practice at the Africa Climate Summit?
Absolutely! The Africa Climate Summit side events offer valuable platforms to showcase climate action solutions, initiatives and best practices. However, it is important to note that the Expression of Interest for Side Events closed on July 27th, 2023.
How can I stay updated on the Africa Climate Summit?
Stay informed with the latest updates and news about the Africa Climate Summit by visiting our official website Keep track of the event by following the official social media accounts-
For further inquiries, feel free to contact us via email at [email protected]
Is there a cost to attend the Africa Climate Summit?
Registration for the summit is entirely free at There are no costs associated with hosting or participating in a side event. However, it's important to note that the Expression of Interest for Side Events closed on July 27th, 2023. If you are interested in exhibiting, please be aware that there is a cost associated with it.
Do you have any hotel recommendations or suggestions in Nairobi?
Visit to find and book recommended hotels.
How can I get involved and support climate action beyond the Africa Climate Summit?
The Africa Climate Summit aims to inspire climate action at Scale. You can help us change Africa’s narrative on climate change to be a growth agenda that leverages the continent’s immense human and natural capital for global decarbonization. You can push for increased investment in climate action globally, specifically in Africa. Together let’s envision and create a future where sustainable green solutions drive our collective economic prosperity and social well-being.

For any further inquiries or additional information, please feel free to contact the Africa Climate Summit organizers using the provided media contacts. We are here to assist and ensure your participation in this important event is seamless and fulfilling.

Join us at the Africa Climate Summit

Together, we can turn the tide on climate change and create a world where both people and the planet thrive. Get involved, share your ideas, and be part of the movement driving real change.